Rastan arcade online
Rastan arcade online

With most of the IBM com­pu­ters that pur­cha­sed a li­cen­se from Mi­cro­soft. It was the most wi­de­ly-used o­pe­ra­ting sys­tem in the first half of the 1990s. Which was o­pe­ra­ting sys­tem de­ve­lo­ped by Mi­cro­soft in 1981. This ver­sion of Rastan was de­sig­ned for per­so­nal com­pu­ters with o­pe­ra­ting sys­tem MS-DOS (Mi­cro­soft Disk O­pe­ra­ting Sys­tem),


įind digital download of this game on GOG or Steam. īuy original version of this game on or. More details about this game can be found on .įind this game on video server or. The rare golden sheep's head will restore Rastan's health completely. There are also jewels that gives out bonus points, as well potion bottles that will restore or deplete the player's health depending on the color. Rastan can only wield one weapon at a time (which consists of a mace, an axe and a fireball-shooting sword in addition to his standard sword), as well as only one type of protector (a shield, a mantle or a body armor), but other items (such as the necklace and ring) can be worn at the same time. When Rastan picks up any equipable item, an icon will appear on the lower right corner of the screen as an indicator of the item's effect until it wears out. All the weapons and power-ups picked by Rastan will be equipped only for a limited time. The player can pick up any item by touching them, as well as new weapons by striking them with his current one. The game's bosses (names according to the MSX2 version) consists of Graton (a skeletal warrior who wields a halberd), Slay (a demonic swordsman who can sprout wings), Symplegades (a wizard), Laios (a dragon knight), the Hydra (a five-headed snake) and the final boss, the Dragon. The backgrounds of the outdoor areas feature broad landscapes with changing sunlight effects with detail. There are a total six rounds, each consisting of three areas: an outdoor scene, a castle scene and a throne room where the player must confront the stage's boss.

rastan arcade online

The game uses a health gauge system along with limited lives, although certain obstacles (such as falling into a body of water or being crushed by a spiked ceiling) will instantly kill Rastan regardless of how much health he has left. By using the joystick in combination with either buttons, the player can determine the height of Rastan's jumps, as well as the direction where he swings his weapon (including downwards while jumping). The controls of Rastan consists of an eight-way joystick and two buttons for attacking and jumping.

rastan arcade online

While on his way to the dragon's lair, Rastan must fight hordes of enemy monsters based on mythical creatures such as chimeras and harpies. The player controls a barbarian warrior who has embarked on a quest to slay a dragon. Rastan, originally released as Rastan Saga in Japan, is a fantasy-themed side-scrolling action game originally released for the arcades in 1987 by Taito and later ported to various platforms. This game can be played also in a version for SMS. If you pre­fer to use a ja­va ap­plet e­mu­la­tor, fol­low this link. This ga­me is e­mu­la­ted by ja­va­script e­mu­la­tor em-dos­box. For full­screen press 'Right Alt' + 'En­ter'.

rastan arcade online

Game is con­trol­led by the same keys that are used to playing un­der MS DOS.

Rastan arcade online