Kurosagi corpse delivery service snail
Kurosagi corpse delivery service snail

I’m not sure how well I will succeed, but I will definitely try. Maybe in six months, I’ll sit down with a notepad and a screen capture program and try to be profound. It’s a show that I’m definitely going back to. I’m not even sure that’s a fair comparison. cinema is the Coen brother’s Miller’s Crossing. The closest analog I could come up in U.S. In the end, I enjoyed the show, but I don’t know who I would recommend it to. That is true, but it does seem like a strange message for the story to have. I mean is it really saying that Avilio would have been happier if he was dead. I am struggling a bit with the show’s final message. If you pick this show up, just remember that revenge stories rarely end happily, and this one is no different. The story is brutal and often uncompromising. I’m not sure if that’s because of how closely related Kurosawa is to the hard-boiled storytelling, or if this is actually just an adaptation of The 47 Ronin. What is funny is that despite the obvious comparison is to American mobster movies, I felt more like I was watching a Kurosawa film with different window dressing. That said, I find Avillo Bruno’s revenge story compelling. While the realism worked in the show’s favor, it was occasionally undermined by scene-chewing maniacs or settings that felt more inspired by Dickensian England then 1920s Illinois. locations.ĩ1 Days does both of these things to varying levels of success. While this is no midwestern landscape I’ve ever seen, it’s not nearly as bad as how Hollywood tries to transform Vancouver into U.S. It’s also a rarity for anime to venture onto U.S. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a seinen show that was hemmed in by realistic physics. Grave of the Fireflies) or are largely forgotten (i.e.

kurosagi corpse delivery service snail

The ones that come to mind are either come from a time where cinema and animation shared a tighter bond ( i.e. There is a handful of anime outside of romance shows that try to stay within the bounds of realism.

kurosagi corpse delivery service snail

It’s not all during the last week, one of these shows I finished up last week I believe, but I wanted to share some thoughts about 91 Days, Concrete Revolutio and Dororo. Specifically, I’ve been catching up on my insane backlog of stellar shows that I have not watched during the last decade and change. I’ve been under the weather for the last couple days, so I’ve been doing what any right-thinking anime fan should do - I’ve been watching anime.

kurosagi corpse delivery service snail

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Kurosagi corpse delivery service snail